Are you ready for a navigation
Do you REALLY know how to read your
Tired of wearing that heavy compass
around your neck?
Come join the Chicago Area Adventure Racing Association
at the following Chicago Orienteering Club meets and take the Compass-Free
Here are the rules::
1. Find the Chicago Area Adventure Racing Association banner on
a car near the start/finish area to let us know you're taking the challenge.
2. Follow the designated course (To be determined on the day of
the meet) and start no later than 10:30 AM.
3. Head out on the course with only your map and your
bloodhound-like tracking skills...leave the compass in your car.
4. Stop by and give us your official time when you're done.
5. Be the fastest CAARA member to complete the entire course
and you'll win fabulous gifts and prizes, courtesy of the Chicago Area
Adventure Racing Association.